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Teacher English (0,5 fte)

De vacature

We are looking for a qualified and experienced 1st degree English teacher. As a teacher, you are responsible for the teaching of upper classes / exam classes as well as middle classes (MYP). You teach in English following the International Baccalaureate Diploma & Middle Years Programme.

You are a qualified 1st degree teacher. Being a native English speaker and IB DP & MYP experience is desirable.

You are a didactic who gives priority to the development of each student. You take initiative in developing your own curriculum to raise the quality of the education to a high level. You are the coach who has an eye for the talents and challenges of every student. On a pedagogical level you dare to give the student the freedom of his/her own choices. You are solution-focused and you are convinced of your own abilities. You actively contribute to the safe educational environment being internally minded. You think and act proactively concerning continuous innovation of teaching making use of modern technology. You stimulate and motivate students to follow an enquiry based approach.

Does this profile suit you? Are you enthusiastic about this? Then we would like to meet you!

This function is scaled according to the LB scale. The salary depends on education and experience.

Rivers International School / Lorentz Lyceum is part of Quadraam and is one of the 13 secondary schools in the district of Arnhem, Liemers and Overbetuwe. Quadraam strives for a culture where cooperation, self-responsibility and ownership are of paramount importance. Quadraam invests in the development of talents from its own staff. For permanent professionalization, generous resources and opportunities are offered through, for example, the virtual development center (

More information about Rivers International School Arnhem can be found @

More information about Lorentz Lyceum can be found on �
More information about Quadraam can be found on
In case of questions about this vacancy or for other additional information, please contact Mr. Jochen Katzer, head Rivers, reachable by phone number +31 26 3202840.

You can respond to this job until 14 August via, “vacancies”.

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Only applications through ‘Meesterbaan’ can be handled.

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